Thistles and Thorns


She was a lover scorned, the other woman. She would show him though. There is one thing that her daddy always reminded her of, she was a woman who had a great knowledge of plants. And that would be his downfall, she would make sure of it.

She scoured the internet for a florist who would be able to provide what she needed. Most florists were hesitant to do business with her because of the unusuality of her request. She had a list of shops who would do it for a higher price and not too match her order to a tee when she found the perfect match.

Harpers Floral Shoppe.

Harper was actually a man, he didn’t blink when she gave her request, a bouquet of thistle and thorns for her ex. He actually applauded her knowledge of meanings and creativity of payback.

She hid her true plans behind an innocent smile. The world would find out in the aftermath of a half hour alone with a baseball bat and his motorcycle.

“For the record,” She tells the cop, “Thistle originally held a darker meaning before people forgot about it.”

Prompt 2/31 for December Writing Prompts.

*Yes I know that flower is not a thistle.

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